Ward Connerly Is A STUPID Black man
You are looking at a stupid black man. Ward Connerly is a stupid black man. He is so stupid that he recently was quoted as saying that he welcomed the support of the KKK in his effort to end affirmative action in Michigan.
Ward Connerly although disavowing support to the Klans's hateful activities says
"If the Ku Klux Klan thinks that equality is right, God bless them," Connerly says. "Thank them for finally reaching the point where logic and reason are being applied, instead of hate."
Damn logic and reason and the KKK in the same sentence. I told you Ward Connerly is a stupid black man. How much self hate can one tolerate.
Unfortunately this was not the first anti-black group to embrace Connerly and his misguided race to equality. Connerly was also photographed shaking the hand of the leader of a white separtist group who later called Connerly the best nigger he never killed. Okay he did not say that but I am sure it crossed his mind.
Hold on let me call for a prayer meeting, come on Brother Pray Long, come on Sister Speak in Tongues, Come on Rev. Froth at the Mouth, Come on Deacon Moan all Nite Long we need the cast out the demon of stupidity out of this man because he has surely lost his mind.
"Thank them for finally reaching the point where logic and reason are being applied, instead of hate." - he really said that? Logic and reason are the last things I attribute to followers of the KKK.
I've never understood how any black person could support the discontinuance of affirmative action.
come on back to blogging shawn, I need to commune with your thoughts especially on customer service.
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