Tuesday, May 16, 2006

There is No such thing as a Fair fight

When two people are linked together by life and love there is no such thing as a fair fight.

There is too much history, too many stories, too many promises made and too many promises broken to make any fight fair. When people argue they go for the victory even if the victory will destroy the opponent for the objective of any argument is ultimately to win.

Oh I know, we never want to hurt the ones we love, but we just cannot help it. We know too much about them. We know the things that will send them reeling and we know the secrets they keep and truths they hide often from themselves. Why? Because they are our secrets.

And idealistically when we enter a relationship we always promise that this time, there will be no secrets. But let me drop a tad of truth here, it is impossible to say there will not be any secrets. It is a part of life.

There are things we overlook to keep the relationship intact. For if we accept the fact that certain things have transpired, then we would have to break off the relationship just because.

When comes to relationships I am beginning to believe that honesty is not good policy. For every time we enter a relationship we should be given a Miranda warning.
"Everything you say or share can and will be used against you, when we get into a fight."

I don't know any thing about that movie where Jack Nicholson utters that classic line "You can't handle the truth." But I believe that should line should somehow be placed in the Biblical canon. Maybe that is why the psalmists pleads with the Lord in Psalm 25 to remember that his God is a god of mercy and compassion and he further pleads that God not remember the sins of his youth.

But I am not God.

I will remember your sins. And damn skippy, your sins are scarlett, thus I will hold them close, and I will remind of how you sinned against me. I will not only remind you of your sins I will reinvent the context and recolor your sin in the context of sins you have committed since I have known you.

For you bleeding sensitive hearts who are crying out "But we must be able to communicate and share."

One word. A word both profane and compound. Bullshit.


At Saturday, May 20, 2006 9:05:00 PM, Blogger Drea Inspired said...

LOL! I too feel you on this!

I always say that I want honesty in a relationship because I get tired of getting the bold-faced lies when I ask a question, but one thing I don't do is ask a question that I really don't want to know the answer to.

My definition of honesty is not telling me something that isn't true. I'm never shy about saying "I don't think you really need to know that...or that's not relevant, I'm not sharing that." Say what you will, but I'd rather do that than try and make up a lie because I don't want to share the truth. For the sake of the relationship, I don't believe in sharing everything...and you're people will throw stuff back up in each other's faces as soon as they get mad.

I really don't want to know EVERYTHING about my partner. And I definitely ain't sharing EVERYTHING!

At Sunday, May 21, 2006 7:40:00 AM, Blogger SGL CafĂ©.com said...

This is so on point.

It's been said that Love is a Battlefield. I believe it.

You are like my crystal-ball in cyberspace. Like you know what's going on in my life. As my relationship progresses, I'm discovering more and more the need to 'just not talk about it.'

Life is fraught with necessary illusions ... without them, all Hell would break loose.


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