Thursday, August 09, 2007

Congratulations Barry Bonds. Was it Worth it?

Congratulations to Barry Bonds. He is the new home run king. He is the man who beat out Hammering Hank and the Babe and now he stands atop the baseball world. And nobody seems happy for him.

Did he use steroids? Did he use steroids? Did he use steroids?

Probably? It hasn't been proven. He's never failed a drug test. Look at his body that's not how he used to look. (Now come on how many of our bodies look the same at 43 as the did at 23?)

Barry Bonds is the new home run king, but we really don't care, we just want to know did his "johnson" shrivel up? At least this is what I am told we will be able to find out in an upcoming issue of Playboy when his mistress shows all (herself) and tells all about him.

Barry Bonds is the new home run king but we really don't care we're just glad that it is over and now back to news we can use...When is Nicole Richie going to jail and what will she wear. Those stories and much more news and information ahead on Eyewitness News at 11.


At Sunday, August 12, 2007 5:20:00 PM, Blogger Shawn said...

Of course it was worth it. Go Barry! I tell ya, you need to make mistresses sign confidentiality agreements nowadays. Too much talking going on. She's made herself significant when in truth she shouldn't be important.

At Thursday, August 16, 2007 7:00:00 AM, Blogger E said...

*LOL* so know I can't wait for the next Lindsey Lohan antic. Barry who?


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