Friday, October 09, 2009

Why Obama Won the Nobel Prize

Like many of you I was surprised to see that Obama had won the Nobel Peace Prize.

And frankly like some of the conservatives I wondered why.

What I suspect is that aside from being a swipe at the Bush regime, the prize once again shows how much influence the United States has on the world. The election of President whose wife is four generations removed from the most dehumanizing slave systems known to humankind really speaks volumes for the breadth of opportunity in this country.

I can understand the GOP not necessarily being supportive of Obama's policies. But their responses are now growing to the point of being anti-American and I cannot see how that bodes well for them. The Nobel committee may have thought that Obama's selection signaled the beginning of a world order where all peoples would be welcome at the table and that peace might be achieved through true dialogue and not only by threats of terror or militaristic force.

But who am I? I congratulate the President, he has received a tremendous honor and his work has just begun.

But before I conclude, I believe that there will be a special place in the Hades of ignorance and stupidity for RNC Chair Michael "I will suck your dick, Rush" Steele. Sometimes when a thought passes through you Mike stifle it because your mouth has a chronic case of IBS and it's stinking up the joint.

Happy weekend all.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Whatever Happened to Customer Service

I was in New Orleans last week, and I went to a Subway shop. As I approached the shop a man stopped to ask for 50 cents. He wanted to tell me a long drawn out story about the bus and all that jazz but I said curtly I don't have any change and to my surprise he said thanks for listening.

Hmmm, what an interesting response, I thought as I went into the shop. I was shocked back to life as a woman who looked as if she had been the victim of the tattoo tsunami came to take my order

Sandwich Artist: What you gittin?

Gibbs: Pardon me?

Sandwich Artist: In a louder voice What you gittin?

Gibbs: Did you say What you gittin?

Sandwich Artist: Do you speak English

Gibbs: Do you know you look like a sideshow freak (thought) Actually quite well, your greeting was most unusual. (said)

Sandwich Artist: What u say

Gibbs: Let me git three chocolate chip cookies

Sandwich Artist You got it baby

Gibbs Thank you ma'am

Sandwich Artist I ain't your mama

Gibbs Pardon me why u say that

Sandwich Artist I ain't old enough to be a ma'am Here be yo cookies

Gibbs Thank you.

As I exit the store still flabbergasted by the encounter I see homes who asked for 50 cents He is staring at me very hard. I said are you the guy who asked me for 50 cents here's a dollar, keep the change.

Thank you now I can catch the to buy my baby some pampers...need a better job. He said as I walked away.