Oh my goodness--He's written a gay book
A person I know and I actually recently told me that the book that has gestating in his soul for 20 years has finally been born. He invited me to the reading and book signing and I grabbed the wife and off we went.
The bookstore was an independent left wing book store that is the anti-borders.
I arrived at the signing and our friend the author was sharing something from the book.
"His thighs were massive and rippled, as I gazed upon them." said Skip.
Aw hell to the naw. What kind of book is this I shouted silently. After the reading there were questions including one from one of my favorite people the author's mother
"Why didn't you write a murder mystery?"
No mama wrong question. She should have asked my question: "Why didn't you tell me you were gay? Why am I discovering this in this bookstore?"
I asked the wife--"Did you know that he was gay."
Well yeah sort of she replied. I read the book cover and I said "Oh how nice."
"It's no big deal, really. You're probably the only one who doesn't know."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You don't always get it."
"Sometimes I wonder if you are just joking."
Ask five of your friends and I bet everybody knows but you.
Four of the five said hell yeah we knew.
One other just asked why?